The Epic of Gilgamesh: Tablet 1

I’m going to tell you all about Gilgamesh. He was a great king, gods loved him, he built this great city here, and he did all kinds of great stuff. Man he was great. Well, I suppose I should mention that he started out a really nasty guy.

Bring me the virgins so that I may lay with them! Noble ladies or otherwise, I want them all!

The PEOPLE cried out to the GODS.

The king sucks!

Hey, Arunru, you started this, you fix it. Make someone to be his equal.

Got you covered.

And so the Goddess ARUNRU created ENKIDU.

Ok, kiddo, go out there into the wild and be like the animals. Gilgamesh is sure to hear about a wild man.

ENKIDU wanders around with the ANIMALS scaring the crap out of a famous TRAPPER.

So, Dad, I was out trapping game when I saw this man. He fills in my pits and tears up my traps! I’m too scared to go near him. Got any advice?

No one’s stronger than Gilgamesh. Go find him. Oh, and get a harlot.

Whatever, Dad, you pervert.

The TRAPPER goes and finds GILGAMESH.

There’s this wild man who fills in my traps. I bet he’s even stronger than you!

Well, we can fix that. Here, take a harlot, Shamhat. Once they get down and dirty, the wild beasts will run from him too!

Huh, guess Dad was right.

The TRAPPER and SHAMHAT journey for three days and then wait around three days for ENKIDU to show up.

There he is! I’ll leave you two to go at it. Have fun.

Men, they’re all the same. Anyway, come here big boy; let me teach you about the world’s oldest profession.

ENKIDU and SHAMHAT get down and dirty for SIX DAYS and SEVEN NIGHTS.

Oh, I like a man who can go the distance. Stay around and we can talk.

Well, it was great, got to get back to running with the gazelles and all.

AHHH! You smell like human!

The ANIMALS no longer accept ENKIDU as one of their own and ENKIDU, for some reason, can no longer run fast enough to keep up with them.

Ok then. Guess I’ll sit around and hear what you have to say.

That’s more like it. You should meet Gilgamesh, you’d like him. Except for the part where he acts like an idiot and sleeps with all the virgins.

I’ll challenge him! I’m strongest!

Whatever, I think Gilgamesh is stronger. He’ll dream about us coming you know.

Back in URUK GILGAMESH starts to have strange dreams. He gets up and tells his Mother, NINSUN.

Hey, Mom. I dreamt that this big rock fell from the sky and I couldn’t pick it up but couldn’t. I loved it like I would love a woman.

That might be a little too much information. This rock that you love is a friend that the gods have made for you.

So the gods want me to love men instead of women?

Something like that. You will love him as a woman and he will never forsake you. That’s what your dream means. It’s a good dream.

The gods want me to be gay?

That’s about the size of it, son.

Ok, so I had this other dream. I dreamt about an axe. I was drawn to it and I loved it like a woman so I had it always at my side.

More of the same, my boy. That axe is the comrade that I made for you. He’ll be by your side always and never betray you.

Ok, if you say so, Mom. Do the Gods know that all this slash will give me my own section on

Classic epic my boy, the fangirls will never touch it.

Oh, well that’s ok then. Can’t wait to meet him!